Avoid the Path of Mediocrity

Appalachian Trail

A short read today. I took some time off to hike the Appalachian Trail with an amigo named the Alchemist (seriously, all the best names are taken) so I am afraid there is no new traditional money article here on my home base today, however, a guest post I did for Money with a Purpose just went live! For that article, you will have to click here: “How This Man Went from Rock Bottom to New Life”

Downtime makes the uptime much more productive. I hope you are finding time to unplug and visit your happy place. If not, at least take this moment to block some time off in your calendar to get away in the near future and do what helps you unplug, recharge, master your thoughts, and plan your future.

Avoid the Path of Mediocrity: It Is Far Too Crowded There

If you want extraordinary results you can’t go the ordinary path. You have to go the road less traveled. If you want to stay in your comfort zone, continue your daily grind. It leads to the same designation as all the other hamsters running on the wheels around you, mediocrity.  If you want extraordinary results, dare to step outside of your comfort zone. Dare to take a risk. I never regret the risks I have taken and fail at but rather the opportunities that I never took.

If you are not crystal clear with where your path is leading your life. How can you be sure your automated daily steps don’t lead your further away from your goal? If you don’t get strategic about planning every single step and every single day to design your path, you will end up working towards someone else’s goals and following someone else’s path. That path rarely leads to a place you want to be.

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cheshire Cat.
“I don’t much care where—” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cheshire Cat.

—Alice in Wonderland, Chapter 6, Pig and Pepper

If you want to live a distinguished life, you have to make district actions in a planned direction and commit to step-after-step. People don’t become billionaires by luck or by accident. It takes strategic planning and many intentional steps. It takes grit and hard work. Are you moving in an intentional direction with strategic daily steps? What goal will you commit to moving towards today?

“How This Man Went from Rock Bottom to New Life”

I dedicate this article to a new friend the Alchemist and hikers of the AT. Press on to the goal, Katahdin awaits. But consider my words above with care. Is Katahdin the real goal or is it the path to discover the real goal? What is behind the goal? What is your path in life after Katahdin?

Keep the FIRE burning my friends.

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1 Response

  1. August 30, 2019

    […] I was letting one of my passions become work. I was losing my way and getting comfortable with the path of mediocrity. Thoughts echoed in my mind about how many men around the world were holding their wives and their […]

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