Category: Pillars of FI

How much do I need to save to retire? The 4% Rule. 4

How Much Money Do I Need to Retire? The 4% Rule

Let me introduce this 4% rule, upon which, I am willing to stake my entire retirement portfolio. And then, we will cover exactly how much money you need to retire according to “The Rule of Tweenty-five”

House Hacking Affordable Housing Costs 0

Pillar II: House Hacking: Affordable Housing

Turn your largest liability into an asset on your path to financial independence. Reduce or eliminate housing costs or even make money from your home.

The Hope and Simple Math of Extremely Early Retirement 8

The Hope and Simple Math of Extremely Early Retirement

What if I told you that you could retire early, extremely early? What if I told you
the simple “how to” mechanics of growing enough wealth to become financially independent and retire extremely early.

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