Category: FI Events

Mr. Refined Bio Pic 3

FinCon Foreshadow: The Precap

Here is what you can expect at #FinCon21 this year. See, most inexperienced bloggers will be publishing FinCon21 Recaps over the next couple of weeks but the real Pros can go ahead and publish a FinCon Precap because they already know how everything will go down. And I am not afraid to name-drop.

My Last Post Goodbye Friends Sign on Table 2

My Last Post

It is been my pleasure writing for you for these last few years. True wealth is in memories not money or monuments.


Playing with FIRE Review

I went to the screening of Playing with FIRE in Atlanta last weekend. Here are my thoughts on this incredible experience.


Playing with FIRE Documentary

Tomorrow I’m leaving for Atlanta to attend the premiere screening of a new documentary film that I helped sponsor called Playing with FIRE. I helped sponsor this film because it is the first film that documents the lifestyle of a couple as they move through the FIRE journey.


FinCon18 and so Much More

FinCon18 was an incredible experience! This year it was held at the lavish Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel and Golf Resort in Orlando, Florida. For a guy that lives on oatmeal and rice, that level...