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Writer | Speaker | Wealth Building Coach

Personal Wealth Building Coaching

Personalized Wealth Plan for Your Unique Situation

Mr. Refined of Refined by FIRE

4 Month Mentoring Package – Highest Success Ratio!

Amazing things can happen when we have a clear plan to execute and accountability to get there!

What our work will look like:

  • Monthly Money Mastermind: One 55 minute 1-on-1 call a month for 4 months. That’s 220 minutes of personalized instructions and guidance.
  • Weekly Touch Points: Weekly 15 minutes calls for 4 months during non-Monthly Money Mastermind weeks. That’s over 180 minutes of personal instructions and guidance.
  • Custom action items & checklists to make our calls even more productive.
  • Fully customized, actionable, comprehensive wealth building plan for your next 12 months.
  • Optional additional sessions available at half-price off standard hourly rate.

To be Successful, you’ll need about 1-2 hours a week between homework, calls, and email communication.

"An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without one" - Warren Buffet quote

While we look at things across your life, we will focus on two or three targeted areas of focus.

  • Wealth Plan: Have a clear plan in place and understanding your: income, budget, debt pay-down, saving goals, investments,  and path to financial independence
  • Work Transition: going part-time, taking time off, retiring, switching roles, changing careers or making work more enjoyable.
  • Building your Business: getting started or growing into the next level by creating a stronger online presence or building digital assets.

If you are ready for change, or commented to growing, I’d love to help you get there!

1 Month Mentoring Package

Amazing things can happen when we have a clear plan to execute and accountability to get there!

What our work will look like:

  • Money Mastermind: One 55 minute 1-on-1 call.
  • Weekly Touch Points: Weekly 15 minutes calls for the 3 weeks to follow.
  • Custom action items & checklists to make our calls even more productive.
  • Action Plan: 2-3 high-value, targeted changes with actionable steps to execute.

To be Successful, you’ll need about 1-2 hours a week between homework, calls, and email communication.

Alice in Wonderland, Cheshire Cat
Image Credit: Alice in Wonderland, Cheshire Cat

While we look at things across your life.

  • Action Plan: Have your highest value goals in place, understanding your: income, budget, debt pay-down, saving goals, investments,  and path to financial independence, we will focus on two or three targeted areas of focus.
  • Work Transition: going part-time, taking time off, retiring, switching roles, changing careers or making work more enjoyable.
  • Building your Business: getting started or growing into the next level by creating a stronger online presence or building digital assets.

The Best investment you can make is in yourself…

Warren Buffett

Please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions, tips, suggestions, guest post ideas, requests and so on. All are appreciated.

First, thank you for your interest in Refined By FIRE. On this website you will hear about all thing money: personal finance, FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), overcoming adversity, motivation, lifestyle, investing, entrepreneurship, goals, side hustles (building scalable side income into businesses), debt, money, building wealth, travel and everything else to optimize your life!

I am here to talk about my journey with my finances, from six-figure debt to six-figure annual investment wealth accumulation. My goal is to help others grow through this transition with fewer pain points and mistakes than I made.

Refined by FIRE offers all types of advertising and sponsorship, so make sure to e-mail and ask any questions that you may have.

This website has grown faster than ever could be expected thanks to the loyal readers and active social media followers. I feel truly blessed that readers, listeners, and engaged followers invite me to help shape their life optimization journey with the content posted here.

This site is here for one reason; to serve these readers/listeners and all those that come after me on their financial journeys. If you would like to join me in this mission please reach out to me at [email protected]

~ Mr. Refined

Website Features:

Media, YouTube, and Podcast Interviews & Features:

Personal Finance Coaching
Small Business Financial Consulting

  • Personal financial coaching sessions – Master your money or money will master you. Personalized coaching to get out of debt, save, and invest wisely.
  • Side hustle selection – ready to increase your income but not sure how. Learn where to start, how to scale, and what time/money traps to avoid.
  • Creating your website – If you are completely new to the blogging world, I can help you create your website, choose hosting, help find a website designer, and more.
  • Designing your website – Is your website easy for readers to use? I can help you create a better layout to increase conversions, increase the number of readers you have, and overall just to have a better website.


[email protected]