Tagged: Events

Mr. Refined Bio Pic 3

FinCon Foreshadow: The Precap

Here is what you can expect at #FinCon21 this year. See, most inexperienced bloggers will be publishing FinCon21 Recaps over the next couple of weeks but the real Pros can go ahead and publish a FinCon Precap because they already know how everything will go down. And I am not afraid to name-drop.

What's Up Next Podcast - Refined By FIRE - Mr. Refined - Is the FIRE Burning Out? What's Quenching the FIRE? 0

Is the FIRE Burning Out? What’s Quenching the FIRE?

The burn out is real! It turns out balance is quite essential to live a healthy, sustainable and productive life. I let my will power to overcome, overcome the sustainability of a long-distance marathon known as the journey to financial independence.