Tax Account Contribution Limits 2021
Want to know what the 2021 contribution limits are for your favorite IRS tax-advantaged accounts? I have your ‘need to knows’ here for 2021 as you plan your tax hacks and savings goals for the coming year. As you icome and/or saving rate grow, these limits become increasingly important to pracitioners of the FIRE Movement.
These limits saw asonishling small increases this year and fail to keep up with my calculations for the inflation rate but hey, could be worse. At least we get some increases this year.
Rather than belabor these changes in a long wordy post, I have created a couple of tables so you can quickly reference your ‘need-to-knows’ and get back to your busy day.
Keep the FIRE burning my friends.
Note: I did my best to transpose accurately from the official source into a single quick reference table but please double-check with the IRS tax code for reliable figures if you are going to bet your financial future on it.
Disclaimer: This site is for informational and entertainment purposes only and shall not be construed as investment, tax or legal advice nor recommendations. Because of the nature of the interactive dialogue inherent in the format of this site, it is important for readers and listeners to understand that not all comments made will apply to them specifically. Nothing said shall be taken to be investment, tax or legal advice, nor shall statements on this site be considered an offer to buy or sell securities. Such advice is rendered solely on an individual basis and at times will require that the investor review a prospectus. You should seek advice for your specific situation from a certified financial advisor, a certified tax advisor, and/or a licensed attorney. I don’t claim to be an expert. Most days, I don’t even claim to be an adult. I just want more friends to drink out of coconuts with me on the beach.
This is informative and detailed blog