The Story of the Mexican Fisherman

A few years ago, I heard an allegory that has really stuck with me on my journey toward financial independence. It has helped me turn down a few opportunities that may have been profitable but distracting toward my goal. I have helped several people revise their business plans and launch startup companies. I often find myself sharing this allegory with them. As far as I can tell, Heinrich Böll was the first to write down this story. It helps us keep the goal in mind. It reminds us that money is not the goal but rather the obstacle between us and the true goal. I hope this story helps keep money in its place in your life.
An American businessman on holiday was standing on a pier in a small coastal Mexican village loading gear into his fishing boat. He noticed a humble Mexican fisherman coming in and tying up his small boat to the pier. He saw that this fisherman had caught several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish.
The American asked, “Where did you catch those beautiful fish and how long did it take you to catch them?”
Pointing out the direction in the ocean, the Mexican said, “Over there, only a little while this morning.”
The American asked, “Why didn’t you stay out longer? You could have caught twice as many fish!”
“I have enough to feed my family today and have an extra fish for my neighbor.” Said the Mexican fisherman.
The American asked, “Then what will you do with the rest of your day?”
The Mexican fisherman replied, “I sleep late, fish a little while, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, Maria, then in
The American laughed, “You in luck, I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you. You can spend more time each day out fishing and catching more of these quality fish. You could sell the extra fish in the market for profit and one day buy a bigger boat. With that boat, you’ll be able to catch
“Then instead of selling them to the middleman you can sell directly to the consumer and keep additional profits. One day you can open your own fish processing factory and sell directly to the grocery stores you control the product, the process, and the distribution. You can finally leave this village moved to Mexico City and then one day LA and eventually run your corporation from New York City as you expand the enterprise. We could be business partners. I can help you build all this.”
The Mexican fisherman asked, “Señor, how long will this take?”
To which the American replied, “In just 10 to 20 years you could have all of this.”
“But then what?” Asked the Mexican fisherman.
The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part, once you have sufficiently expanded your enterprise you can announce an IPO and sell the company stocks to the public and become very wealthy. You would make millions.”
“Millions señor, then what?” Asked the fisherman.
“Then you would be able to retire.” Said the businessman.
“And then do what, señor?” Asked the fisherman.
The American said slowly, well, then… you could move to a small quiet coastal village, you could sleep late, fish for a little while, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, and strolled to the village in the evening where you could sip a little wine and play your guitar with your amigos…”
Keep the FIRE burning my friends.
I dedicate this post to my father, who always gave me perspective in life. I love you dad.