Who Is Mr. Refined?

Who is Mr. Refined? Refined by FIRE
Image Credit: Nic.co.uk

So you may have noticed some pictures of me popping up on social media and in promotional materials for expo events such as FinCon. The cat is out of the bag. After so many speaking roles my image is out there and I am fully ready to own it! This decision comes with a great breath of relief for a public-facing content creator. For years, I have kept my image off this site and off social media at great effort. After this last speaking role at FinCon, several more planned speaking roles and my interview with CNBC and Acorns.com, the jig is up. Heck, if you want to see my discussion panel video all you have to do is get the FinCon19 Virtual Pass. It is time to see who Mr. Refined is.

The Physician on FIRE was also kind enough to give me a mention in his Sunday Best edition on 9/08/2019 for his appreciation of some of my resources on my site, namely, A Consolidated Consortium of Collated Collectables.

What you can expect going forward? You can expect a lot more pictures on this site now that my image is revealed.

Why Bruce Wayne Doesn’t Talk About Batman

Given that I actively bash the corporate American business model and culture, while still not free of the bondage of being a wage slave working for a fixed rate W-2 job, I thought it best to keep my blog and identity under wraps until such a time as I could afford to jeopardize the corporate career course. However, the FIRE Movement works so well at wealth accumulation that that time has come far earlier than expected for me.

We all know that the employee quadrant (W-2 corporate wage slave) is the worst and slowest of the four quadrants of income (employee, small business, large business, and investing) and certainly not one of the four paths to wealth (equities [like stocks and bond,] entrepreneurship, real estate, and alternatives) which produce far better results. Don’t worry I have an article in the works to explain the power of these coming soon.

My hope for you is that you can take a career risk soon too and transition up the hierarchy of wealth creation.

Introducing a New Way to Connect with Me

I have added a new page called Connect this will offer a channel to contact me if you’re interested in personal finance coaching, advertising or just want to connect with me. This page will also have links to follow on social media and join a new Refined by FIRE Facebook group.

The Home Page got a facelift too with some new content so feel free to check out what is new there. I also added a subscribe button for the email lists so my apologies to the untold number of people that have been trying to join the email list ….but never got an email. The good news is, now you can. 😉

Actionable Takeaways:

  1. See what Mr. Refined actually looks like in my interview with CNBC and Acorns.com
  2. Check out the new Home Page content. You can actually join the email list from the home page now.
  3. If you are interested in becoming a content creator (blogger, podcaster, YouTuber, author, etc.) get the FinCon19 Virtual Pass.
  4. Check out my new Connect Page and connect with me on social media to stay up with all the shenanigans in the FIRE community.

Keep the FIRE burning my friends.

Disclaimer:  This site is for informational and entertainment purposes only and shall not be construed as investment, tax or legal advice or recommendations. Because of the nature of the interactive dialogue inherent in the format of this site, it is important for readers and listeners to understand that not all comments made will apply to them specifically. Nothing said shall be taken to be investment, tax or legal advice, nor shall statements on this site be considered an offer to buy or sell securities. Such advice is rendered solely on an individual basis and at times will require that the investor review a prospectus. You should seek advice for your specific situation from a certificated financial advisor, a certificated tax advisor and a licensed attorney. I don’t claim to be an expert. Most days, I don’t even claim to be an adult. I just want more friends to drink out of coconuts with me on the beach.

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